Determination of the resistance against cutting with sharp objects


The EUREKA ProTexSafe project has put a new device into operation which tests protection against knife cutting. The machine is capable of examining the physical aspects of material structures, corresponding to the project’s objectives.

The device’s design is entirely in compliance with the MSZ EN ISO 13997:2000 standard’s requirements; it is controlled and operated electronically. The test is capable of defining the values of resistance against knife cutting, in other words the load force that cuts across the test sample on a cut length not longer than 20 mm, using constant speed and a standard cutting knife. The recording and evaluation of the measuring results are computer-assisted. The resulting load force defines the product’s (e.g. personal protective equipment) protection class.

The device was built by the EN ISO 13997:1999 standard, which also specifies the requirements regarding the testing apparatus.

The instrument was adapted by the manufacturer to the previously set requirements, which implies a significant amount of development. This allows the use of complex measuring methods. The device is applicable at a high-risk working environment with mechanical threats, it is also suitable for determining the performance of highly protective gloves. Currently we are working on fine-tuning the software, meanwhile the first test runs of cutting have also begun.

May 24